
2023-10-25 02:45 来源:未知 点击:
濟寧實驗中學畢業證樣本、高中成績單、基本內容 學校簡介
濟寧市實驗中學始建於1985 年,是壹所全日制、寄宿式高級中學,山東省規範化學校。占地330 余畝,建築面積11 萬余平方米,校園環境優美,三季有花,四季常青。先後榮獲山東省教書育人先進單位、山東省文明單位、山東省藝術教育示範學校、山東省依法治校示範學校、山東省紅十字模範校、山東省綠色學校、山東省“花園式”單位等150 多項市級以上榮譽稱號。
學校名師薈萃,國家級優師4 人,齊魯名師、杏壇名師3 人,省、市級優秀教師、教學能手、骨幹教師、學科帶頭人120 多人。全校教職員工敬業愛崗、團結務實、甘於奉獻,逐步形成了具有實驗中學特色的教育、教學管理模式。
Brief introduction
Founded in 1985,Jining Experimental High School(JEHS)is a full-time provincial standardized boarding school.The school campus
covers an area of 330 mu and construction area of 11 thousand square meters with beautiful environment,evergreen plants and flowers
blooming in three seasons.In the past few years JEHS has been awarded more than 150 state-level titles including the title of Advanced
Unit for Importing Knowledge and Teaching People,Civilized Unit,Artistic Education Model School,Redcross Model School,Green
School,Garden Style Unit in Shandong province.
JEHS is blessed with many outstanding teachers including 4 state-level excellent teachers,3 Qilu excellent teachers,3 Xingtan
excellent teachers and more than 120 city-level excellent teachers,teaching experts and high-quality courses teachers.Being of good
work ethic,team spirit and good teaching skills,all the teaching staff are ready to devote themselves to education.Thus,a new teaching
and managing mode with JEHS characteristics has been formed.
Adhering to the principles of managing school by law,prospering school by scientific research,strengthening school by quality and
characteristics,JEHS carries out quality education in a full scale and strives to establish a modern and refined management mechanism.