
2023-10-25 02:45 来源:未知 点击:
北京第五十四中學畢業證樣本、高中成績單、北京市第五十四中學建於1955年,是壹所具有初、高中編制的完全中學,也是和平裏地區建校最早的壹所中學。學校占地面積8.5畝,教學樓面積5600平方米,實驗樓面積3300平方米,操場面積7500平方米,具有東城區唯壹的綠蔭操場。學校目前有43個教學班,2000多名學生。初中27個教學班,高中16個教學班。師資力量雄厚,教學設施齊備,教學手段先進。學校壹貫註重辦學質量,具有嚴格的教學管理規範,有著“嚴謹、紮實、負責、高效”的教風;“刻苦、努力、堅韌、向上”的學風,在社區及社會各界有良好的知名度。由中學高級職稱教師38人,中學壹級職稱教師54人構成主體教學力量。高考成績突出,高中升學率達到98%以上。 五十四中的歷史是光輝燦爛的。 近年來,五十四中學發展迅速,在確保教學質量的同時,大力開展素質教育,提出了交給學生三把金鑰匙:高水平的英語聽說能力;高水平的計算機操作能力和初步的汽車駕駛技術。足球運動和美術教育是學校傳統特色,校足球隊獲得98年市運會亞軍,美術教學培養了百余名專業人才。 對每壹個學生都負責,讓每個學生都成才,讓學生在德、智、體、美、勞諸方面和諧的、健康的全面發展,為國家培養全面發展的優秀人才是我們的辦學宗旨和特色,勤奮、文雅、求實、創新的校訓不斷推動我們向前發展。 EN An introduction of No.54 Middle School Beijing No.54 Middle School, including junior and senior parts, covers an area of 23.5mu(Chinese unit),with a Teaching Building of 5600M2, a Lab Building of 3300 M2 and a playground of 7500 M2, the only grassy one in Dongcheng District. There are 43 teaching classes, 24 junior and 19 senior ones,2000 students in all. We have enough qualified teachers, including 38 senior and 54 grade-one ones. We do very well in the college entrance examination. 95% senior students can enter colleges and universities. In recent years, the school is developing rapidly. While we are doing a lot in developing the qualified education,. We assure the teaching quality. Football, art and music are our characters. The football team won the second place in 1998 Beijing Sports Meeting, and more than 100 students who are good at art have graduated from the school . We are responsible for each student, make sure ...